The internet, it can be argued, is where womxn come to express themselves freely, without the direct reprimand and suppression that is a direct repercussion of us even remotely having an opinion in the physical spaces of the patriarchal societies …
“We are at the national theater, a perfect place for a demonstration. With my elongated labia, I will show you how to masturbate and cum more than 20 times,” said Stella Nyanzi. Rising from her seat, Stella picked up the …
“how quiet can we make this woman? misogyny” ~ Ijeoma Umebinyuo I was a little shy of 18 when I got my first job outside home. I remember getting lost on the way to the interview, walking around in the …
2019, like previous years, doesn’t seem to be starting on a kind note for Ugandan feminists. First, there was the proposal on February 6 by Godfrey Kiwanda, the State Minister for Tourism, to have “curvy womyn” as a tourist attraction. …
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